One of the main factors that people want today from a software product is that it must look good.
Fancy curved interfaces with gradient fills and nice colors are IN, but how do they do it? and most important, how can we do it?
Fortunally design guidelines and theories give us a clue of how this artisits do their tricks.
But there is still something missing. Why do I need to learn HTML, XHTML, CSS, XML, and many many more dialects for make some text and images look good?
My proposal is graphic and web design for mortals. It´s possible to make editing tools that focus on information and the layout, instead of implementation details.
A first step in this direction was CSS Playground (now published at, a program I made for my multimedia students to show them some things about CSS. But from this prototipe, I really believe that a tool that focus on Information Architecture has more future that another WYSIWYG script editor.