Monday, August 22, 2011

Android blitzkrieg: Phones and now TV

Android 3.2 is out, even when phones are in 2.3. However Android is smashing iPhone and any Microsoft wish to have a share.

Watch out, cause Android is turning its Sauron's eye on TV!!

Some year ago, Sun tried to push Java as a development tool in blu-ray, but with this, Java wont be the only option.

And the 99 USD tablet is here

After HP's tablet only held one month i the market, HP decided to take it out from the market arguing webOS has to be reevaluated.

In a surprising move, price droped from 499 to 99, and its a sold out!!!

Is it viable to load this tablets with Android????

Will this be a hackers toy and HP will watch carefully for community tries???

Last week was a turn point too because of Google buy of Motorola mobility.