Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Win 8 dev camp

With the illusion of see the new Win 8 development features, I registered to attend a Dev Camp at Mexico City. No dev at all, just "hey, check out this app!". Great for UX people, but you can´t pretend to change usability just because you have a big market share.

My comments:

+ The bad:

0. Confusing Metro/Classic UI. I wonder if I want to change to classic, like happened to me in Ubuntu, where Unity is not my preference, what can you do? Is it possible to disable IT?
1. Develop for Win 8 -> install win 8 + Visual Studio 2012. No emmulator, just a UI simulator.
2. Remember: there are lots of hidden features in the edge.
3. No development practice :(
4. To many "you have to..." to develop and publish an app.
5. Abuse of scrolling.
6. No solution to multiform apps, data access, no backward compatibility.
7. No mobile show...because desktop/tablets come first :S
8. JS/HTML5/CSS NO thanks!

+ The good.....well, unfourtanately nothing.