Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Programming for kids

Programming is a great way to aproach math, logic, art and computers, but when dealing with kids its a delicatte matter, because the wrong induction to the subject could create an ever life avertion to this noble art and science.

Fortunally, advances in technology let us have tools and resources to let the children experiment in environments not as rigid as actual programmer's tools.

Some examples are Scrach (Win-Linux/Smalltalk), App Inventor (Android/Java), and there's more!

Lets encourage our kids to develop their skills.


Code (
Free courses for kids (
How and why teach your kids to code (
Teach your children (how to program) well (
How To Raise The Next Zuckerberg: 6 Coding Apps For Kids (
10 Tools To Get Kids Excited About Programming (


Scratch (
MIT AppInventor (
Stencyl (
Kodu game lab (
Small Basic (
RoboMind (