Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Silverlight. Day 3.

I´m still watching videos to understand more about how to develop a Silverlight app, and in the part 3 of the Blend tutorial by Jesse Liberty there's a step where you apply a style to the button of the chat prototype where the cut & paste really makes me question the UI development.

First, as always that you want some "special shape" button, you need to define the view of its states (generally 3). But why do you need to specify this templates in Visual Studio manually? Why not to apply some Power Point wisdom and have a pallete of predefined shapes to choose from. And if you know about button states, why not have some configuration panel in Blend for this? if you have a UI dedicated tool, let's charge it!

The one great things that I found is this ObservableCollection that works with generics, that can be consumed by a control in a MVC way. That is cool!

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