Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tablets price will fall

Question: which is the cheapest tablet available/comming?

Mmmmm. Let's see.

iLet mini HAL Android 1.6 $199 USD
Gpad Android $185 USD
Archos Android $178 USD
zenPad Android 1.6 $155 USD
Augen Genbook Android $150 USD
HiVision Android $100 USD
Hott MC500 Android $100 USD (or less)
Eken M001 Android $99 USD
FirstView PC607V Android/WinCE $95 USD
OLPC XO-3(MIT/Mattel) Android $75 USD
Indian tablet Android $35 USD (????)

It's a price war!!!!! Black friday & Chrismas season will show us the winner.

Mobile dev: times & OS changes

For those who develop mobile solutions, times are changing and platforms too.

iPhone provokes a gold rush for Apple developers; its a shame that those policies that limit Flash, Java & other apps that needs a VM or a runtime are kept left.

Microsoft is burning its ships and betting to their new OS Win phone 7; in the VS 2010 no mobile develoment is provided and they are promising a bundle to support development for the new platform.

And the new kid in town, Android, is the one that shakes the market. With smartphones, tablets and other devices targeted, and an open source support this may be the way.

Time will tell.

Image from wired.