Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tablets price will fall

Question: which is the cheapest tablet available/comming?

Mmmmm. Let's see.

iLet mini HAL Android 1.6 $199 USD
Gpad Android $185 USD
Archos Android $178 USD
zenPad Android 1.6 $155 USD
Augen Genbook Android $150 USD
HiVision Android $100 USD
Hott MC500 Android $100 USD (or less)
Eken M001 Android $99 USD
FirstView PC607V Android/WinCE $95 USD
OLPC XO-3(MIT/Mattel) Android $75 USD
Indian tablet Android $35 USD (????)

It's a price war!!!!! Black friday & Chrismas season will show us the winner.

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